Monday, April 2, 2007

Herpes Treatment Ideas From Valtrex Famvir Acyclovir and Zovirax Online Information for a Herpes FREE living

Meaningful ever gets forgotten. It can always be found in the heart and mind of the receiving party. When one receives a diagnosis of genital herpes it is a meaningful event and one, most likely that will involve many negative emotions. It is at the crossroads of meaningful events that the opportunity comes to create a choice. Most decisions are made but some are created and therein this event a person can create how they will handle the life changing diagnosis of genital herpes for the rest of their lives.

Introduction - A Guide for People with Genital Herpes

The aim of this Genital herpes information is to improve understanding of what genital herpes is and what it means, so that Genital herpes is easier to live with.

Genital herpes is surrounded by myths and misinformation that lead, all too often, to fear, anguish and self-persecution.

Included is information on medical aspects and treatment of the Genital herpes infection, as well as sexual relationships and pregnancy.

There are also some practical guidelines for developing a positive approach to living with genital herpes. As each person's response and attitude to genital herpes is different, these guidelines are general. You may wish to seek further advice and information to suit your own needs.

The Genital Herpes Infection

What is Genital Herpes?

Genital herpes is a common virus infection caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two types of this virus: types 1 and type 2. As well as the genitals, the virus can infect the anus, buttocks, top of the thighs, mouth, lips or face; infection on the lips or face results in facial herpes, which includes cold sores. These infections have an essentially identical appearance when on external surfaces.

What is a Virus?
Understanding viruses and how they thrive is the key to understanding genital herpes. As an intracellular parasite, a virus cannot survive by itself and is entirely dependent on the cells it invades.

Viruses and bacteria are the microbial organisms that most commonly cause infection in humans, but bacteria are larger and comparatively independent. These factors make bacteria easier to isolate and eliminate.

Herpes Virus infections

The virus invades the human body, often through a crack in the skin or through the mucosa of the mouth and genital area.

Once inside the human cell, the virus uses the material in the host cell to reproduce (known as replication). In this process the cell is destroyed. The destruction of the host cell is responsible for the characteristic signs (blisters, etc) and symptoms (tingling, pain, etc) of a herpes episode.

Besides entering and taking over cells at the site of infection, particles of the virus enter sensory nerve fibres at the site of infection, and proceed to move upward to where the fibre begins. Sensory nerve fibres carry signals that allow us to sense pain, touch, cold, light etc. Sensory nerve fibres start from a small cluster of cells known as a sensory ganglion. In the case of facial herpes, the virus settles in a ganglion at the base of the skull, known as the trigeminal ganglion. In the case of genital herpes, the virus retreats to the sacral ganglia, situated near the tail of the spinal cord. Once the virus reaches the ganglion, it remains there for the rest of our lives. Periodically, HSV reactivates in the ganglion and virus particles travel down the nerve fibre to the skin or mucosa, to cause recurrent symptoms.

Herpes simplex isn't the only virus many of us live with. Anyone who has had chickenpox is host to the varicella zoster virus. This virus remains mostly dormant, however, it can reactivate but only very rarely. When this happens, virus particles leave the nerve ganglia, travel down the nerve fibres to the skin and cause shingles.

Once a virus enters our body, antibodies are produced to fight it. Antibodies are found in the blood stream and are important in the body's natural defence (immune response). They continue to be produced for several weeks after the initial episode.

With genital herpes, antibodies help ensure that recurrent symptoms are milder than the first episode. It's interesting to note that it is quite common to find antibodies in the blood of people who have never apparently experienced an episode of genital herpes. Either the episode was so mild that the person was unaware that it was taking place, or it was diagnosed as a different medical condition, or it was totally without symptoms and therefore unrecognized.

Genital herpes infection occurs through exposure of the genitals to the virus from a partner with active herpes (this can be the result of either genital or oral contact).

The first episode is called the initial or primary infection and it is at this stage that some virus retreats to the nerve ganglia. Subsequent episodes, known as recurrences, occur if and when the virus replicates in the ganglion, releasing virus particles that travel along the nerve back to the site of the initial infection.

Sites of Herpes infection

In women, the genital areas most commonly affected are the vulva and the entrance to the vagina. Sores can also sometimes develop on the cervix.

In men, sores are most common on the glans (end of the penis), the foreskin and shaft of the penis. Sometimes sores can develop on the testicles.

Less commonly, both men and woman can experience sores around the anus, on the buttocks and tops of the thighs.

The initial genital HSV infection

Symptoms of the Genital herpes initial infection are usually the most severe as the body may not have been exposed to the virus before and antibodies will not have been produced to trigger the immune response.

The initial genital herpes episode can last for more than 20 days and it is not uncommon for someone to experience a range of generalized symptoms, such as fever, aches and pains, swollen lymph nodes, as well as specific genital symptoms. For others, the initial Genital herpes infection can be mild with minimal symptoms.

For most people, the first indication of infection starts between two to 12 days after exposure to the virus. The development of Genital herpes symptoms may take longer or be less severe in some people, especially those who have previously developed partial immunity to the herpes virus from having facial herpes, e.g. cold sores.

Genital herpes Symptoms can start with tingling, itching, burning or pain followed by the appearance of painful red spots which, within a day or two, evolve through a phase of clear, fluid-filled blisters which rapidly turn whitish-yellow. The blisters burst, leaving painful ulcers that dry, scab over and heal in approximately 10 days. Sometimes the development of new blisters at the early ulcer stage can prolong the episode. On the other hand, the blister stage may be missed completely and ulcers may appear like small cuts or cracks in the skin.

Women particularly often experience pain on urinating, and when this happens, it's important to avoid problems of urinary retention by drinking plenty of fluids to dilute the urine and thereby reduce pain and stinging. Some women may also notice vaginal discharge.

Genital Herpes Recurrences

Some people do not experience symptomatic recurrences but for those who do,Genital herpes recurrences are usually shorter and less severe than the initial episode. Over time, Genital herpes recurrences may decrease in both severity and frequency, although there is no definite evidence that this happens. Recurrences are usually preceded by warning symptoms (also known as prodromal symptoms) such as tingling, itching, burning or pain.

As with the initial Herpes episode, there is a large variation in people's experiences of Genital Herpes recurrences. Approximately 80% of persons having a first episode caused by HSV-2 will have at least one recurrence, while only 50% of persons with HSV-1 will experience a recurrence. The most common scenario is occasional recurrences (about 4 attacks per year). However, a minority will more suffer frequent recurrences.

Genital herpes can be elusive

The severity of symptoms for genital herpes can vary greatly from one person to another. The initial Genital herpes episode can be so mild as to pass unnoticed and a first recurrence may take place many years after the first infection.

Up to 60% of people who have genital HSV infection show no signs of the disease and are unaware that they are infected. These people are, however, capable of transmitting the virus to others. In such cases, an occurrence of genital herpes can lead to confusion and bewilderment in people unable to understand the sudden appearance of infection and apparent transmission from someone else.

What triggers genital herpes?

The initial episode usually occurs two to 12 days after sexual contact with a person with active infection.

A Genital herpes recurrence takes place when the virus replicates in nerve ganglia and particles of virus travel along the nerve to the site of primary infection in the skin or mucous membranes (e.g. the inner, moist lining of the mouth, vagina etc). Although it is not known exactly why the virus reactivates at various times, causal factors can be separated into the physical and the psychological.

Herpes Physical

Physical factors differ from person to person. Being run-down, suffering from other genital infections (affecting the local skin area), menstruation, drinking a lot of alcohol, exposure of the area to strong sunlight, conditions that make a person immunocompromised (where the body's immune system is not functioning normally), prolonged periods of stress and, more unusually, ultraviolet light, are all factors that can trigger an episode. Friction or damage to the skin, caused by, for example, sexual intercourse, may also lead to a recurrence. In summary, anything that lowers your immune system or causes local injury can trigger recurrences

Herpes Psychological Toll

Recent studies suggest that periods of prolonged stress can cause more frequent recurrences. It is also common to experience stress and anxiety as a result of having recurrences.

Transmitting the Genital Herpes infection

Persons with herpes can be infectious both when symptoms of a herpes outbreak are present and also when there are no Genital herpes symptoms.

People who experience an episode of herpes, either facial or genital, should consider themselves infectious from the start of the episode to the healing of the last ulcer.

Facial herpes lesions (e.g. cold sores) are also a source of transmission through the practice of oral sex. Consequently, oral sex should be avoided if one partner has a facial herpes attack.

Infectious virus can still be present in people with no obvious lesions, during periods of asymptomatic virus shedding. Asymptomatic virus shedding cannot be predicted but is known to occur on at least 5% of days.

Occasionally, one partner in a long-term relationship may develop symptoms of herpes for the first time. Often this is due to one or both of the partners being carriers of HSV and not knowing it. The sudden appearance of herpes does not necessarily imply recent transmission from someone outside the relationship.

By avoiding sex when the signs of herpes are present, and by using condoms with sexual partners between outbreaks, the chance of passing on herpes may be reduced.

Herpes Diagnosis

Because people's experience of genital herpes varies so greatly and because the treatment of any sexually transmitted infection is distinctive and specific, accurate diagnosis is essential.

Accurate diagnosis of genital herpes is made most easily and correctly at the time of an active herpes infection, preferably the initial symptomatic infection. Diagnosis involves the doctor taking a medical history, performing a physical examination and taking a swab to detect presence of the virus.

At this time, genital secretions and blisters containing fluid necessary for confirmation of infection are likely to be present, and a definitive diagnosis provides patient and doctor with the necessary information to optimise treatment.

Laboratory confirmation

In order to confirm a diagnosis of genital HSV infection, it is necessary to prove the presence of the herpes simplex virus. Detection of HSV antibodies in the bloodstream is not sufficient because this cannot define the site of HSV infection.

The usual procedure is for the doctor to perform a swab test, in which a sample of the fluid from a blister, from ulcers, or a sample of a genital secretion, is taken and sent away for analysis.

Laboratory analysis is usually made either by virus culture (where the virus is grown in material known as a culture medium) or by antigen detection where components of the virus are specifically identified.

Because it is possible for a person with genital herpes to have another sexually transmitted infection at the same time, a full genital check should be made. For women this may include a cervical smear test.

It is important to note that having genital herpes is not associated with the development of cervical cancer.

While a blood test may reveal infection with HSV at a time when no genital symptoms are present, confirmation of genital HSV infection is still essential. If the blood test is specific for detection of antibodies to HSV type 2, the likelihood of genital HSV infection is increased, but still not proven. The doctor may ask you to re-visit for a swab test when genital symptoms or discomfort appear.
Common Herpes Questions Asked from Yahoo Answers.
Herpes Questions #1

Herpes! Herpes! Herpes! I have had Herpes off and on for ten years now.. Herpes is a way of life for me. My Herpes question is: Can you spread Herpes to others even when you have no Herpes sores present? I also have to go to my doctors office every couple of months to get more meds for the herpes. I don't have the time or the money to go to the doctors office just to get a new prescription. Is there an easier way to buy herpes meds like Valtrex? Are herpes meds available on the internet? thanks!
Herpes Answer #1
.Herpes. Herpes CAN be spread even when you are showing NO signs of the Herpes virus or Herpes sores. Herpes is an extremely common virus. Most people do not know that they even have the herpes virus. YOU must fight herpes and try to prevent any future herpes breakouts. Yes, you CAN buy prescription herpes meds online even without a PRIOR prescription first! Herpes drugs like Valtrex, Zovirax, famvir, Denavir and Acyclovir are available on-line from InternetMedsFAST. COM. The order process could not be any easier! just select the prescription meds you need, fill in the medical questionnaire, and submit your order. A U.S Licensed Physician will review your order and issue your prescription. Next, A U.S. Licensed Pharmacy will dispense, and FedEx your order discreetly using Next day delivery. a little more on herpes. Herpes simplex I and II infections are spread by intimate contact of mucocutaneous surfaces during the period of virus shedding from active lesions. They usually affect the genitalia, but may affect the oral mucosa, causing painful ulcerations which crust and heal. Upon healing, the virus resides in latent form within local nerve cells. Viral reactivation is poorly understood, but may relate in part to the host immune system. The type II virus has been linked to the development of uterine cervical carcinoma, however its precise role remains a question.Herpes simplex virus I (cold sores, fever blisters) afflicts 20–40% of the population in the United States and usually affects the oropharynx, causing pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gingivostomatitis, or keratitis (eye inflammation) as primary infections. Inflammation of the mouth, eye, or brain may occur as a secondary infection.I have added for your benefit a link to Google images of herpes viruses.
Genital Herpes Question #2

How serious it is having a genital herpes?....Can someone only get it if the sexual partner have breakouts?...or even without?
Genital Herpes Answer #2
It's really not as serious as most people make it out to be. It is a virus, so it will stay with the person the rest of their life, because there is no cure. There are no long term effects or serious health problems from it though. You won't die from it like HIV/AIDS, you won't become infertile like most of the bacterial STDs do if left untreated. You can't get cancer from it like you can with HPV. It's honestly probably one of the better STDs to have if a person contracts any kind of STD. The only real bad thing about genital herpes is that babies can be born with the virus if the mother is having an outbreak during childbirth. Most women choose to have a C-section to prevent the baby from getting the virus as the baby passes through the birth canal. Herpes can be fatal for newborns. And yes, a person can get it from someone else even if the person is not currently having an outbreak. According to Valtrex (a company that manufacturers herpes medication), 70% of people got genital herpes from their partner when they were showing no signs or symptoms of the virus (like an outbreak).I have had genital herpes for over 5 years now. My fiance has had it about 8 months. I got it from sleeping with a guy ONE time and he did not have any sores present and was not on an outbreak. Same thing with my current fiance. He got it from me when I was not having an outbreak. I wasn't showing any signs or symptoms of the virus. So, yes, it is very possible to get it, even if the person is not having an outbreak. Check out this site for more information RemedyHerpes.Com. Also, medicine man, is talking about HPV not herpes. HPV and herpes are two completely different viruses that have NOTHING to do with each other. HPV (Human Papillomavirus) can cause genital warts, hand and feet warts and many different kinds of cancer including cervical cancer, penile cancer, anal cancer and head and neck cancer. Herpes does NOT cause genital warts or cancer. I would know because not only do I have genital herpes I also have HPV and have had genital warts and cervical cancer from it.

Use This Google to Search box for More Excellent information on Herpes Treatment.




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There is another great option for herpes home remedy. It is simply because so many of us don't know the right one to meet at the right time . I was deadly in pain of herpes for six months, I tried different cure but it could not heal, one day my friend Jane saw a testimony of a lady'Edith' on this blog. how her herpes was cure by Dr Akhigbe with his herbal medicine cure that can help to heal the blister and sores of herpes totally.We write to him through his email, he told us that he was going to help us. He prepared the medicine and sent it to us through UPS courier services , he also instructed me on how i will be drinking the herbal medicine for three weeks. My dear brothers and sisters, Dr Akhigbe herbal medicine cure is real and it cure my herpes totally. So i must testify of him, he is a good man and i call him daddy.. If there any one out there that need his help because Dr Akhigbe cure different diseases.. Please contact him on his email... or you can also whatApp him with these number +2348142454860 Dr Akhigbe is good herbalist man to be trust.

Angel William said...

I want to say thanks to Doctor AKHIGBE, this is a big privilege to share with everyone on how me and my husband was cured of HERPES by the great Doctor AKHIGBE, ever since me and my husband was diagnosed of HERPES we have never been ourselves, we have taken every medication, drugs, pills, and so many others, we were afraid that we might never get cured, but everything turnaround when I saw numerous testimonies of Doctor AKHIGBE curing several persons from HERPES, and other types of disease you know in this life, with his herbal medicine, without wasting any minutes I contacted his Email: He told me to be happy that he will make sure that me and my husband will be cure, I obeyed and followed his instructions and thereafter he sent me the herbal medicine through DHL courier services, and give me instruction on how to drink the herbal medicine, so we take it after taking it for 2 weeks me and my husband was totally cured, at first I never believed that we will be cure, but today my story is different, in-case you are suffering from this same disease or you have any kind of disease, you can also contact him for the same result on his contact +2348142454860 or email: .I am so grateful to you sir for saving me and my husband life, God bless you


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Unknown said...

Meu nome é hoover, minha filha de 18 anos, Tricia foi diagnosticada com herpes há 3 anos. Desde então, passamos de um hospital para outro. Tentamos todos os tipos de pílulas, mas todos os esforços para se livrar do vírus foram inúteis. As bolhas continuaram a reaparecer após alguns meses. Minha filha usava pílulas de aciclovir 200mg. 2 comprimidos a cada 6 horas e 15g de creme de fusitina. e H5 POT. O permanganato com água deve ser aplicado duas vezes ao dia, mas todos ainda não apresentam resultados. Então, eu estava na internet há alguns meses atrás, procurando outras maneiras de salvar meu único filho. Só então me deparei com um comentário sobre o tratamento com ervas do Dr. Imoloa e decidi experimentá-lo. Entrei em contato com ele e ele preparou algumas ervas e as enviou, juntamente com orientações sobre como usá-las pelo serviço de correio da DHL. minha filha usou como indicado pelo dr imoloa e em menos de 14 dias, minha filha recuperou sua saúde. Você deve entrar em contato com o dr imoloa hoje diretamente no endereço de e-mail dele para qualquer tipo de problema de saúde; doença lúpica, úlcera na boca, câncer na boca, dor no corpo, febre, hepatite ABC, sífilis, diarréia, HIV / AIDS, doença de Huntington, acne nas costas, insuficiência renal crônica, doença de Addison, dor crônica, dor de Crohn, fibrose cística, fibromialgia, inflamatória Doença intestinal, doença fúngica das unhas, doença de Lyme, doença de Celia, linfoma, depressão maior, melanoma maligno, mania, melorreostose, doença de Meniere, mucopolissacaridose, esclerose múltipla, distrofia muscular, artrite reumatóide doença de Alzheimer doença de Alzheimer, doença de parkinson, câncer vaginal, epilepsia Doença autoimune, dor nas costas, entorse nas costas, distúrbio bipolar, tumor cerebral maligno, bruxismo, bulimia, doença do disco cervical, doença cardiovascular, neoplasias, doença respiratória crônica, distúrbio mental e comportamental, fibrose cística, hipertensão, diabetes, asma auto-imune artrite inflamatória da mídia ed. doença renal crônica, doença inflamatória articular, impotência, álcool feta do espectro, distúrbio distímico, eczema, tuberculose, síndrome da fadiga crônica, constipação, doença inflamatória intestinal. e muitos mais; contate-o em também com whatssap- + 2347081986098.


I glorify the lord Almighty on your behalf sir Dr Chukwu Madu herbal home, let the grace continue with you. Am so happy right now am cured totally from Cancer with the help of your herb DR Chukwu Madu herbal home. 
You have been curing people with your powerful herbs thank you so much for your truth and straight forwardness towards your patients ,I read about your great herbal home on the Internet and how you cure people of their different virus and I contacted you without time wasting when you told me I will be totally cured soon and I hoped on you ,and you never let me down. My name DESMOND WALTER from Texas. Am greatfull Doc. Viewers join me say thank you to this great herbalist from Nigeria part of African who cures people of their Virus with his great herbs, even if you have some days to live contact him and be saved forever iam very sure of Dr Chukwu Madu herbal home.[] or talk with him directly on WhatsApp via [+2347030936239] am all good DOC.


I glorify the lord Almighty on your behalf sir Dr Chukwu Madu herbal home, let the grace continue with you. Am so happy right now am cured totally from Cancer with the help of your herb DR Chukwu Madu herbal home. 
You have been curing people with your powerful herbs thank you so much for your truth and straight forwardness towards your patients ,I read about your great herbal home on the Internet and how you cure people of their different virus and I contacted you without time wasting when you told me I will be totally cured soon and I hoped on you ,and you never let me down. My name DESMOND WALTER from Texas. Am greatfull Doc. Viewers join me say thank you to this great herbalist from Nigeria part of African who cures people of their Virus with his great herbs, even if you have some days to live contact him and be saved forever iam very sure of Dr Chukwu Madu herbal home.[] or talk with him directly on WhatsApp via [+2347030936239] am all good DOC.

bobbie martin said...

I'm here to testify about what DR. ANUGE did for me. I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the past 5 years and had constant pain,especially inside my body. During the first year,I had faith in God that I would be healed someday. This disease started circulating all over my body and I have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago I came across a testimony of one lady on the internet testifying about a Man called DR. Anuge on how he cured her from herpes disease. And she also gave the email address of this man and advised anybody to contact him for help for any kind of sickness that he would be of I emailed him telling him about my (HERPES) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! Well i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as DR. ANUGE assured me that I will be cured,after some time. I went to my doctor to confirm if I had finally healed. Behold, it was TRUE, the test came out negative. So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can contact DR. Anuge for help. Email}  WhatsApp /call +2348164866838 

Jennifer K Robert said...

I GOT CURED OF HERPES WITH THE HELP OF DR OGU I Am from North Carolina, United State. I caught genital herpes from my ex boyfriend who never had any symptoms of herpes . I had it for 4 years ,and it has literally affected my life before I got cured. People think herpes is really a minor skin irritation, herpes has long term effects on health. The stigma attached to this virus by ignorant people is ridiculous. Most people have herpes in one form or another but they might not be aware of it. I would like to advise people on how I got rid of my herpes by using Dr OGU herbal medicine. I saw a comment posted by a woman from Germany on the internet that she got rid of her herpes with the help of doctor OGU. I was so happy when I saw that post. i quickly collected the doctor OGU contact email and I emailed him. Within 1 hr he responded to my email. i explained things to him and he told me not to worry that he will help me. i ordered for his medicine product which was sent to me via DHL. that was how i got the herbal medicine and i used it as i was told for the period of 6 days which is twice a day ( morning and at night before going to bed) .after 8 days, i found out that the herpes was no more and this was also confirmed by my doctor. if you have herpes or other similar disease and you want it cure, kindly contact doctor OGU Patrick via this email ; or text him via: +1 719 629 0982 .